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-Thursday, April 2, 2009 ' 2:11 AM Y
monster worldd -

jia jia
ting ting
My cousin family
one left out.the eldest one, guy.
he refuse to take pictures.
nothing tat i can do
rather fun there cuz
they live in bunglow.
big big house.
can run about.
bad thing is.
too many mosquito!
the mosquito only last for2 hours.
mustput again and again.
mum nagging byee!

-Wednesday, April 1, 2009 ' 1:01 AM Y
monster worldd -

last saturday,
did not went to
wan hoon's birthday party.
sry wan hoon!
i got something more important...
ok its a funeral..
uncle gone ?
nv.mind, i shed tears of course...
it was a fruitful trip.
i played with my cousins one again...
rather loveable show u their family member's
pic next time.
then once again sry wan hoon...
nothing to worry about...
Next week 4th march
there will be a birthday again!!
this time was messlia i am not going to miss it

-Friday, March 20, 2009 ' 12:47 AM Y
monster worldd -

5H outting 2 day!!!
i went of course!
how could i miss it!
but sonia feng ying
and rebecky can't go...
pity them so much...
i went at 8.30 although
the timing was 9 cus my
daddy drive me there...
how nice... tat's wad u should
be thinking rite???
ok nv.mind i went early so
i help mdm ling prepare food...
nuggets and hot dogs....
a while later wendy,joey,sykirah came
they talk bout the games going to play later
then mdm ling ask me want
2 join them i say no.
she ask why i tell her no la.
she ask agsin then she say yr not on
same boat???
i ask her wad is tat she say means
nv get along so together...
then i say ya i guess so.
a while later isaiah came in and look
into the roof balcony where she hangs
her clothes,and then she say why
u go see my under wear???
i was like going to laugh my heads off!!!?!!
around 20 to 30 mins later most ppl arrive...
then the food cam out and thenmany ppl eat.
until the hot dogs left with 1 piece,
jia yee, aldiah, syakirah and me and some more ppl
stare at each other... waiting for someone to eat.
then mickkel came over and pop it into his mouth
we all started laughing even when i donno why???
soon the food finish... i work for mdm ling as
a part time maid again.... cooking....
then when the nuggets ok already... i carry it out.
then i trip and fell.... so sorry.....
wendy say who evers eat those nuggets
i will treat lunch... i went to pick it up end then
put in the plate... joey say ohhh wendy must
treat everyone lunch.....
of course not real...mdm ling then show us
magic tricks... then taught us how to do it...
thx mdm ling!!!
then we went doen 2 play games...
my group cam in 3rd not bad....
then we sat down and play bun luck...
its co cal gambling except we nv use
real money but we use chips...
around 11.30 i went to causeway to get
wan hoon a birthday present....
i must get back 2 mdm ling's home b-4
when i got back every one leaving left
me jannani and lining
i had to go be cuz linig daddy is sending me back
then her daddy haven come we help mdm ling
to clean up the things. looking at her whole collection
of presious moment i told her if she wants to sell any of it
i will be happy to buy it. then she agreed she say she has one extra
and can sell to me at 40 dollars. wanted to pay her on the spot
but she dowan she want to ask her husband for a cheaper price
then i say ok lor. then linig daddy came and we all went home but
b-4 leaving mdm ling gave us some bryophyllum..
nice rite also want rite???haha juz kidding
then when we took lining car her car was BMW
then i say okok she rich wad....
then when in the car i saw mickkel half naked....
ok tat was not such a nice thing 2 say.....
okok till here bye!!!

-Monday, March 9, 2009 ' 12:43 AM Y
monster worldd -

the cow from mdm ling's last year gathering(gift exchange)it's mrs kwans!

-Wednesday, March 4, 2009 ' 6:36 PM Y
monster worldd -

mdm loy...
i think....
今天 so good
bring us to com lab!
now posting at com lab!
good thing is....
TODAY is mdm ling
i dave her a card
wif crads around...
then midle is 5th march
then inside i write

-Friday, February 27, 2009 ' 1:00 AM Y
monster worldd -

long time nv post..
now posting....
so lazy to on com...
math test today sur fail..
no need to say...
first test got:3/6
second test:5and a half/8
third test:9/24
ok i know veri lousy...
today one is harder than
the 3 test so far lor.
even mr hatta he set one
also say he cannot solve..
finish liao lor sure fail...

-Friday, January 30, 2009 ' 12:40 AM Y
monster worldd -

recently got one people
go spam sonia blog
donno who the idiot.
so much hw and lest postage
so take note don keep calling me to
update ya.
how much you collect from the ang bow?
i got $l66 for now will increase... yay!
tomorow go on holiday again so
tired of going....

the gurl :DY

sin yi
u are here to enjoy my blog and not to spam
if u wanna spam,
click here and off u go to wonderland ,
thank u
and one more thing,my blog is used to be princess-with-a-broken- smile.bs.com
so pls relink me

test Y

Create your own Friend Test here
yourcraves :]Y

go out with 5h => to mdm ling's house
have a kitty
get to go out with fwens
have my room decorated in pink and black
have a longer hair
change of handphone
get at lease 240 and above for psle
travel the world

Yourwhisperr :DY

ShoutMix chat widget


none for now!
laopengyouu :D Y

chao lei
5h blog